
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)

The United Kingdom (UK) Government through the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP)
seek to support Ghana in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The OCPP is a UK government-funded programme that seeks to deliver tangible and positive impacts on the livelihoods of coastal communities that depend on healthy marine ecosystems. Through the OCPP, the UK partners with countries to share science, research, and development expertise to address marine environmental challenges across three key themes to include marine pollution, marine
biodiversity, and sustainable seafood.

LUSPA and OCPP are close to finalising the project initiation documents and areas of collaboration.
On 11th October 2023, a delegation from the UK High Commission in Ghana and the OCPP paid a courtesy call on LUSPA to introduce the programme to the authority and explore other areas for collaboration under the programme.

 The UK High Commission representative reported that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the programme is currently with the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) for study and signoff. It was agreed that the Projected Inception Document (PID) for the MSP should be attached to the MoU as an annex. The project is expected to commence in December 2023 with an inception and capacity-building workshop. The estimated completion date of the project is March 2026. The agreed areas of support include:

• Development of Guidelines for the preparation of MSP in Ghana;
• Capacity building on MSP for LUSPA Staff and other stakeholders;
• Completion of the piloted MSP and testing of the Guidelines in the two coastal districts (STMA and Shama District assembly) in the Western Region

Kumasi Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project

The Government of Ghana (GoG), with support from the World Bank, intends to improve upon urban mobility in the Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area (GKMA) through the implementation of the Kumasi Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project (KUMAP). The Project Development Objective is “to improve mobility, safety, and accessibility along selected corridors, and to improve planning
capacity for sustainable urban growth in the Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area.”

The following activities have been undertaken by LUSPA with respect to the project:
• Inventory and validation of local plans along the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor (Kumasi – Ejisu and Kumasi – Sunyani Roads) conducted; and
• Receipt and validation of forty-six (46) local plans along the BRT corridor.


Key recommendations of the report include:
• Preparation of Local Plans for the following areas: Aprade, Dagomba line, Tanoso Market, Abuakwa No. 2 and Asenemaso;
• Revision of Local Plans to densify the proposed BRT corridor in line with Transit-Oriented Development principles.; and
• Preparation of Base Map within a 1 km radius of the proposed BRT road. 

Subsequently, a final report on inventory and validation of Local Plans was developed and submitted
to the MLGDRD, Ashanti Region Coordinating Council (ARCC), and the five (5) MMAs

West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project 2 (WACA ResIP 2) Ghana

The Government of Ghana has received an IDA credit facility of US$150m from the World Bank and a grant of US$5m from PROBLUE for the project titled “West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project 2) Ghana”. The WACA ResIP 2 project is an ongoing flagship initiative aimed at reducing natural and man-made risks such as coastal erosion, flooding, pollution and climate change that is affecting coastal communities in West Africa. In Ghana, the project objective includes: 

·         To strengthen the resilience of targeted communities and coastal areas in Ghana; and

·         To promote the sustainable growth of Ghana’s Blue Economy by restoring coastal ecosystems (especially lagoons and mangroves), protecting coastal communities and assets from erosion and flooding and supporting coastal livelihoods.    

The WACA ResIP2 Project Component include:                   

  • Component 1: Strengthening Regional Integration;
  • Component 2: Strengthening the Policy and Institutional Framework
  • Component3: National Physical and Social Investments; and
  • Component4: National Coordination.


Additionally, the role of LUSPA will be to provide support on the following:

  • Identity climate change-related problems and develop alternative planning policies to deal with them based on the dynamics and complexity of various coastal environments;
  • Explore the relations between development and land-use intensification, assess their effects on the sensitive coastal landscapes and explore the possibility of incorporation natural,
  • Cultural and environmental quality values in the planning process;
  • Incorporate ecological, environmental and natural values in spatial planning to fight environmental deterioration and to ensure sustainable development:
  • Develop policies to prevent natural and human-driven hazards, which may affect coastal systems; and
  • Pursue policies which will ensure sustainable coastal adaption to climate change and the rising sea level.