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Chief Executive Officer
Welcome to LUSPA
The Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority is a regulatory body for spatial planning and management of settlements in Ghana. The Authority operates at the National and sixteen (16) Regional Offices. Read more
Who we are
To become a unique, technically capable and proactive entity, able to contribute effectively to the rational development of sustainable human settlements in Ghana
To plan, manage and promote harmonious, sustainable and cost effective development of human settlements in the country and in accordance with sound environmental and planning principles
Planning Permission
We work with relevant institutions in granting of Planning Permission to statutory undertakers special development
Prepare and Review NSDFs
The Authority has the sole responsibility to undertake the preparation and review of National Spatial Development Framework (NSDFs)
Quality Control of Spatial Plans
We facilitate and ensure quality control of the preparation of Regional and District Spatial Development Frameworks and other lower level Spatial Plans
Capacity Building
we work with relevant agencies to develop the capacities of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies and other relevant institutions to promote effective spatial planning and development
Monitoring and Evaluation
We guide and monitor District Assemblies in the performance of their human settlements planning and management functions
Technical Guidance
Provide Technical Guidance on Spatial Planning to Government trough the Governing Board